
Kingdom rush frontiers heroes unlocked
Kingdom rush frontiers heroes unlocked

kingdom rush frontiers heroes unlocked

At the players disposal are spells that recharge over time. Different enemies in the game sport resistances to certain types of damage, so which tower you put where is the lynchpin of a good level strategy.

kingdom rush frontiers heroes unlocked

In each game there are four basic types of towers to strategize with mage, archers, barracks, and artillery. By spending the gold earned by defeating enemies you can upgrade towers, making them deal more damage or in the case of the barracks have more health. Enemies will come along the path in waves and it is the player's job to make sure the enemies are dispatched by towers before they reach the end.

kingdom rush frontiers heroes unlocked

In line with the tower defense genre, each level presents a pre-determined path with spaces along the sides called 'Strategy Points', where the player can build towers. Kingdom Rush is a series of tower defense games set in a medieval fantasy setting.

Kingdom rush frontiers heroes unlocked